Have your say
Your hopes and dreams for 2013: Year of the Snake
Sometimes, our projects – job, school, even vacations!- depend on many factors beyond our control. My dream for this year is these things become easier to overcome – or get out of the way!
Danya Ramirez,
28, Chile, language instructor
My vision for 2013 is that it becomes the year when I lay the foundations for my career and further develop my focus and
sense of direction about my future. I wish for peace and wisdom in the world.
Alex Michaelson,
24, USA, media manager
I hope that 2013 will bring balance to my finances and personal life. I expect to complete my MBA and graduate in March. My dream is to start my own business with my friends and business partners sometime next year, here in Japan.
Daniel Pham,
26, Canada, MBA student
Given that the Mayans have predicted the end of the world on the 21 December 2012, my greatest hope is to survive the Apocalypse and see my name in Kansai Scene!
Alex Jordan 32,
South Africa, marine biologist
My hopes and dreams for 2013? Hmm… I want to speak Japanese without using Google translate. Mostly, I hope to be able to experience all the Kansai region has to offer!! It’s my home now and I want to know it like the back of my hand!
Ashlie Leon,
26, USA, language instructor
Its the year of the snake, so when I picture a snake, I always see it snatching its prey without hesitation. I want to be like that always taking chances and opportunities when they come my way.
Joanna Slaby,
20, USA, instructor
I would very much like to start working as a volunteer interpreter in hospitals in Osaka on my days off, so I could help more people in need. I wish my whole family and friends will have an even better year than 2012.
Yuko Abe,
23, Japan, business relations coordinator
I’m planning to make 2013 an even better version of 2012. I want more crazy adventures with the people I love… and I want more of those special edition turkish delight Tim Tams.
Samantha Ng,
25, Australia, language instructor
Next month’s question:
What do you love about Kansai?
Email your answer (in English or 日本語) to haveyoursay@kansaiscene.com or post to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/kansaiscene, along with your full name, age, nationality, job title and a clear photo no later than Jan 15. Responses may be edited for clarity and space.