Classroom Japanese
Taking a bit of time to study a few common phrases and commands relating to classroom language will not only help you understand what your Japanese teacher is telling you (pretty important) but will also assist you in organizing any riotous kids you may have to deal with as part of your day job. Anyone who has ever worked as a teacher in the Japanese school system will know too well that asking a large group of kids to push their desks together and make groups etc. is often met with blank stares. Start using a few of the phrases below and save your sanity. Leave the English for the activity explanation itself and maximize learning time.
では始めましょう de wa hajimemasho |
Okay, let’s begin |
16ページを開けてください Jyu-roku pe-ji o akete kudasai |
Please open page (16) |
聞いてください kiite kudasai |
Please listen |
静かにして下さい shizukani shite kudasai |
Please be quiet |
お手洗いへ行ってもいいですか? otearai (toire) e itte mo ii desu ka |
May I go to the bathroom? |
すみません。質問があります sumimasen. shitsumon ga arimasu |
Excuse me, I have a question… |
「grammar」は日本語でなんと言いますか? (grammar) wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka? |
How do you say ‘grammar’ in Japanese? |
それはどういう意味ですか? sore wa dou iu imi desu ka |
What does that mean? |
ゆっくり話してください yukkuri hanashite kudasai |
Please speak more slowly |
分かりません wakarimasen |
I don’t understand |
ペアを組んで下さい pe-a o kunde kudasai |
Get into pairs please |
机を合わせて 5人のグループを作って下さい tsukue o awasete go-nin no gru-pu o tsukutte kudasai |
Please put your desks together and form groups of 5 |
ちょっと、休憩しましょう chotto kyukei shimasho |
Let’s take a break |